Save this date: November 30, 2022

I plan on attending the MIP Forum. (Registration link)
This event features success stories by users of the Materials Innovation Platforms (MIP) so that current and potential users can get an idea of the capabilities of these user facilities. MIPs are funded by the National Science Foundation, making them free of charge to users from universities and national laboratories in the USA. MIPs are user facilities dedicated to accelerating materials discovery in specific classes of materials by providing a community of practitioners with access to cutting edge tools in theory, synthesis, and characterization and the ability to share knowledge. The two Platforms were founded in 2016 in the realm of inorganic electronic materials: 2DCC ( and PARADIM ( In addition to serving external users from across the nation these Platforms also have in-house research programs, data-enabled science efforts, and education/outreach activities. These Platforms have a growing number of users with success stories. This event will showcase these successes and the unique capabilities of these MIP national user facilities to the MRS community. These MIPs are open to researchers throughout the USA—from scientists just beginning their careers to seasoned experts from all institutions, i.e., a diverse community of practitioners. The late-morning oral session will be followed by lunch (paid for by the MIPs) and conclude with an early afternoon session. This event is for current users as well as potential users with an interest in learning what is possible in these NSF-funded Platforms.
2nd NSF Materials Innovation Platform Forum *
Sheraton, 2nd Floor, Independence West
Sheraton, 2nd Floor,Constitution B
*MRS Registration: Participants need to be registered for the MRS Fall Meeting
MIP Affiliation
10:30 am
Cosima Boswell-Koller (NSF), Charles Ying (NSF), Joan Redwing (2DCC), Darrell Schlom (PARADIM)
10:35 am (30min)
2020 MIPs presentation of capabilities
10:35 am
BioPacific-MIP Platform
10:50 am
GlycoMIP Platform
11:05 am (1:30 h)
MIP Success Stories I
11:05 am
11:20 am
11:35 am
11:50 am
12:05 pm
12:20 pm
12:35 pm (45 min)
Complimentary Lunch (2nd Floor, Constitution B)
1:20 pm (36 min)
MIP Mini-Talks
1:20 pm
1:28 pm
1:32 pm
1:36 pm
1:44 pm
– EM User project Jian-Min Zuo (UIUC)