All Facilities Open for Users

Travel to PARADIM Facilities


PARADIM has on-site user access facilities at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Users are encouraged to come to the PARADIM facilities to complete their experimental work. Travel policies and arrangements depend on the type of institution the user comes from.

Industrial and Government Users, Users from Major Research Universities

Travel expenses are the responsibility of the user. 

CU logo

PARADIM users @ Cornell may take advantage of a special rate at the Best Western University Inn at a rate of $90.00 (Sun.-Thurs.), $125.00 (Fri.-Sat.); Higher rates may apply during special university events. To make a reservation, contact the hotel (607-272-6100) and request the PARADIM rate. Please feel free to contact the PARADIM administrative staff at Cornell ( for updates special rates prior to booking your trip to Ithaca.

Further information related to visiting Cornell can be found at

JHU logo

Contact JHU staff for travel information to their facility. See JHU User Visitor Guide for more information.


Users from non-R1 US Academic Institutions

Financial travel assistance is available to users from smaller academic institutions. Eligible users will be notified during the proposal process.

paradim will reimburse as follows:

Economy Airfare: Lowest direct point to point scheduled airfare

Mileage: PARADIM will reimburse personal mileage at the current approved IRS rate

Lodging at Cornell: PARADIM will reimburse for lodging at the University Best Western Inn (see rate information above)

Lodging at Johns Hopkins: Options may vary by season. See JHU User Visitor Guide for more information.

Food: Food will generally be reimbursed by adjusted per diem. The current M&IE per diem rates can be found here: GSA Per Diem Rates; First and last travel day are reduced by 25%. Meals for one day trips are reimbursable via receipt ONLY.

Approval: Trips must be pre-approved by PARADIM. Users expecting travel reimbursement should contact and receive approval from the PARADIM office prior to making ANY travel arrangements or reservations.

Policy and Reimbursement: Reimbursements for travel to both Cornell and Johns Hopkins will be processed at Cornell via standard Cornell Travel Reimbursement procedure. Travel is governed by the applicable Cornell University Travel Policies. Contact Brenda Fisher for reimbursement instructions.