- Ultrabright cold field emission gun (CFEG) provides 10-fold improvement in brightness over the Titan STEM
- Cs probe aberration corrector (S-CORR)
- High-solid angle (1.7 Sr) x-ray detectors for sub-angstrom elemental mapping
- Rapid EELS mapping at 0.3eV energy resolution with GIF Continuum + Dual EELS
- EMPAD for electromagnetic field, strain and polarization mapping

Sample Publications Using this Instrument
L. Caretta, Y.-T. Shao, J. Yu, A.B. Mei, B.F. Grosso, C. Dai, P. Behera, D. Lee, M. McCarter, E. Parsonnet, Harikrishnan K.P., F. Xue, X. Guo, E.S. Barnard, S. Ganschow, Z. Hong, A. Raja, L.W. Martin, L.-Q. Chen, M. Fiebig, K. Lai, N.A. Spaldin, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and R. Ramesh, "Non-Volatile Electric-Field Control of Inversion Symmetry," Nat. Mater. 22, 207–215 (2023) and Highlight #67
G.A. Pan, D.F. Segedin, H. LaBollita, Q. Song, E.M. Nica, B.H. Goodge, A.T. Pierce, S. Doyle, S. Novakov, D. Córdova Carrizales, A.T. N’Diaye, P. Shafer, H. Paik, J.T. Heron, J.A. Mason, A. Yacoby, L.F. Kourkoutis, O. Erten, C.M. Brooks, A.S. Botana, and J.A. Mundy, "Superconductivity in a Quintuple-Layer Square-Planar Nickelate," Nat. Mater. 21, 160–164 (2022) and Highlight #50.