All Facilities Open for Users

General Inquiries Regarding the PARADIM User Program should be directed to

MRS user meetingPARADIM is an NSF sponsored Materials Innovation Platform devoted to new interface materials by design. PARADIM encourages user proposals within its technical focus area from researchers in Academia, Industry, and Government, from the US and worldwide. Getting started at PARADIM is simple. Access to PARADIM is via a brief proposal process. Access under approved proposals is Free of Charge for US Academic Users.

Access by non-US and industrial scientists is via a fee for service mechanism. Industry use is covered by separate procedures. (For Industry click here).

For Academic and government PARADIM access, please consider the following steps:

  1. Access to PARADIM resources is on a competitive peer-reviewed basis. You need a good Materials by Design idea that is appropriate for PARADIM. PARADIM’s resources will be focused on New Interface Material by Design
  2. The next step would be to discuss this idea with PARADIM technical staff and/or Facility Directors.
    • Is the project appropriate for PARADIM (i.e. related to new Interface Materials by Design)?
    • Is the project compatible with the equipment/software resources in PARADIM?
    • Which PARADIM resources are best suited to this project? How much time might be required?
    • Are the materials compatible with the materials restrictions of the laboratory and equipment.
    • What experience does PARADIM have in this area?

      Please use the PARADIM staff and other resources to vet your ideas and to form at least an initial experimental plan.
  3. Review PARADIM usage, access, publication, and data management policies. Review the proposal review criteria.
  4. Write and submit a brief proposal to PARADIM. Your proposal should address the PARADIM review criteria, namely:
    • The scientific opportunity, approach, and significance,
    • Expertise in scientific domain of proposed research (Expertise in equipment and software operation will be supplied by PARADIM staff as necessary); Also, results of prior PARADIM work (if any),
    • Appropriateness for PARADIM facilities,
    • Alignment of the science with PARADIM’s technical focus (New Interface Materials),
    • Methods and metrics for assessing material quality and implementation of Materials-by-Design methodology.

      Go here to get started: Proposal Submission Information
  5. Your proposal will be reviewed by our external reviewers and you will be notified within 4 - 8 weeks. Proposals cover a one year time span. Initially we will be accepting proposals for laboratory access.

Please address any questions regarding the PARADIM user program to:

Dr. Thomas Dienel
Associate Platform Director, User Program
[Email] / 607.255.3426