The NSF will feature Josh Goldberger , a PARADIM user, in an upcoming video on quantum materials. On June 12, 2019, the PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth facility at Johns Hopkins University hosted Kate Tobin, Executive Producer of NSF Science Nation. Tobin spent the day filming at the PARADIM facility and interviewing PARADIM PI Darrell Schlom, W. Adam Phelan, the Associate Director of the PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth facility, and Josh Goldberger.
Goldberger leads the research team at Ohio State University that found the crystal NaSn2As2 to be goniopolar—a novel property where the apparent sign of the charge carriers in a single-band system, positive(holes) or negative(electrons), depends on the direction in which the carriers move in the crystal. Using PARADIM, Goldberger and his collaborator have discovered a new material with the world’s strongest goniopolar effect.
Goniopolarity may enable future explorations of complex transport phenomena that lead to unprecedented device concepts. This has potential applications for semiconductor technology and thermo electric applications.
The Science Nation video is available for viewing here.
Technical details: Goldberger’s work on the discovery of goniopolar behavior in NaSn2As2 is published in B. He, Y. Wang, M. Q. Arguilla, N. D. Cultrara, M. R. Scudder, J. E. Goldberger, W. Windl, and J. P. Heremans, "The Fermi Surface Geometrical Origin of Axis-Dependent Conduction Polarity in Layered Materials," Nature Materials 18 (2019) 568–572. His PARADIM work involves a new material with greatly improved goniopolar behavior. The specific composition of this new material will be revealed after Goldberger’s paper on it (that acknowledges PARADIM) is published.
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