PARADIM has hosted a total of 33 undergraduates from across the country to participate in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at PARADIM sites at both Cornell University and Johns Hopkins University. Best practices include hand picking REU mentors, providing mentor training, using external evaluation to monitor mentor and intern satisfaction early in the program, providing communication training that includes a written report, several presentations, and participation in a poster session.
Interns enjoy working in PARADIM facilities and getting to interact both with PARADIM staff and external users. Four REU interns published their research conducted in the PARADIM labs in APL Materials (2018), Physical Review Materials (2019), and Journal of Solid State Chemistry
With 42% female and 27% URM, PARADIM’s REU program has a diversity that greatly surpasses the national average for B.S. students in physical science and engineering (20% female and 22% URM). PARADIM continues to focus on creating and maintaining an REU program that is accessible to all undergraduates from all backgrounds.
Gender |
Ethnicity |
Institution |
42% F | 27% URM | 55% non-R1 |
58% M | 67% non-URM | 45% R1 |
6% no response |
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