Kamal Choudhary
Kamal Choudhary is a post-doctoral researcher at National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg. He completed his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Florida, Gainesville in 2015. He is one of the founders and activate developers of the JARVIS project (https://jarvis.nist.gov) at NIST. The goal of the JARVIS project is to accelerate materials-discovery and characterization by integrating classical, quantum, machine-learning and experimental techniques.
David Elbert
David Elbert is the data lead for PARADIM, the driving force behind the PARADIM Data Collective, and the architect of the MEDE Data Science Cloud. He’s an experienced materials researcher with a background in electron microscopy, synchrotron X-ray experimentation, and neutron scattering characterization. David's current work focuses on bridging the worlds of Big Data and Materials Science as a Research Scientist in the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute.
Brian Schuster
Brian Schuster has been a Mechanical Engineer in the Weapons and Materials Research Directorate at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) since 2001. While working at ARL, he completed his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University in 2008. He currently serves as the Principal Investigator for Experiments and Characterization for the ARL Essential Research Program on the Physics of Soldier Protection to Defeat Evolving Threats.
Andrew Goodwin
Andrew Goodwin is a Research Professor and Professor of Materials Chemistry at the University of Oxford, UK. Australian by birth, he studied at the Universities of Sydney and Cambridge before moving to Oxford in 2009. His particular research interest is in understanding and exploiting structural flexibility and disorder in functional materials.
Gerard Lemson, PhD
Research Scientist, SciServer Associate Director for Science Coordination, Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science, JHU. Gerard Lemson has a PhD in theoretical cosmology and is currently a research scientist at Johns Hopkins University. He is associate director for science coordination in the NSF funded SciServer project (www.sciserver.org <http://www.sciserver.org> ) and now and then assists in code development of that platform. He created the Millennium Database (http://gavo.mpa-garching.mpg.de/Millennium), which stores results of various cosmological simulations in a relational database, and provides access through a simple web application. This was the most successful dissemination effort of its kind in, leading to some 1000 publications using data from these simulations.
Tyrel McQueen
Tyrel McQueen is a professor of chemistry, physics and astronomy, and materials science and engineering at the Johns Hopkins University, and director of the Bulk Materials Facility of the Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM). McQueen is the recipient of numerous awards including the Packard Science and Engineering and Sloan Research Fellowships. His research focuses on the synthesis, discovery, and analysis of new quantum materials, with a vision of their current and future utility.
W. Adam Phelan
W. Adam Phelan is a Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University, a fellow of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMIO, and associate director the Bulk Materials Facility of the Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM).
Eric Toberer
Eric Toberer is an Associate Professor in the Physics Department at the Colorado School of Mines with a co-appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Much of his current work is on the design of new semiconductors for energy applications, with a focus on photovoltaic and thermoelectric materials. Prior to arriving in Colorado, he was a post-doc at the California Institute of Technology. There, he worked with Jeff Snyder on thermoelectric materials, with a focus on new materials and structure-property relations. As a result of these efforts, Dr. Toberer received the 2011 International Thermoelectric Society Young Investigator Award. In 2015, he received the Cottrell Scholar Award for simultaneous excellence in teaching and scholarship and the NSF CAREER award. Dr. Toberer conducted his graduate work with Ram Seshadri at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2002–2006) on the synthesis of hierarchically porous materials within the Materials Department and received his undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Harvey Mudd College.
Lynne Vincent
Vincent earned her B.S. in industrial and labor relations and her M.S. and Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Cornell University. Vincent's research examines the moral and social implications of creativity. In contrast to the status quo view of creativity as inherently positive, she investigates the potential dark side and the unexpected consequences of creativity. Her research reveals that creativity and the perception of creativity influences decisions to engage in dishonest behaviors, how people handle negative experiences and even how people judge others. These processes affect how organizations encourage creativity, how organizations design jobs, and how hiring decisions are made. Her research has appeared in Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: General and Psychological Science.